Return of the White Hawk

Last winter we observed a white hawk, actually a leucistic red-tailed hawk, on Rutgers Busch campus. Mike spotted him again while driving to work about a week ago. We've both been on the lookout when driving in the area. Today since the weather was nice and we wanted to get outside, we did a drive by of the area and found him. We parked and were able to watch him from a distance for a while. We also wandered around the area after he flew away but didn't get any pictures of the few birds we found.
Labels: Hawk, Leucistic Red-tailed hawk

Holy Cow!!!! What great shots. Now I'm going to have to start spending alot more time in the area. Hope my job will be understanding!! :-)
I would love to see this beautiful raptor
I saw him last year and saw him again today while out walking my dog near Johnson Park. I get so excited every time I see him!
I saw him a few times in the past week on Busch campus. I typed into "White Hawk New Jersey" into Google, and I was shocked when the exact bird came up! I got a glimpse of a white hawk last year, but I pasted it off as a trick of the eyes. This is a very cool bird.
That's neat. We left NJ 9 months ago but I'm glad white hawk is still returning
I saw an immature white hawk yesterday in Wayne NJ I was glad to find this site as this type of hawk is really SA. I knew from photos that he/she was a young hawk it caught my eye flying to land on a branch no more than 10 ft. off the ground. It perched on the branch for at least five minutes it was so up close it saw me it was like seeing it in a zoo. It was my Dad's Birthday 12/21/13 he has been gone a long time, I still miss him so much, we were very close and I think he may have sent him to say Hi I am still with you.
Last week a very healthy looking white hawk lifted off the ground from the snow in front of my car as I was driving about 10 miles per hour in a cemetery here in Hackettstown, NJ. It was absolutely magestic.
I spotted the white hawk yesterday while on Rutgers Busch Campus! It landed in a tree by the road and I was able to get a great view of him! Googled "white hawk" today ad came upon your website. Awesome
Yup, I saw this white bird yesterday. It was very cool. Thanks for the info
Spotted today just off Busch campus crossing over route 18! I almost crashed my car. I couldn't make sense of what I was seeing!
Wonderful to hear the hawk is still making an appearance! Glad you didn't crash your car. I remember the first time I saw it I had a similar reaction, "couldn't believe my eyes." Thanks for posting.
I saw this beautiful bird on Sunday while driving on Rt. 18 by Rutgers. I thought it was an egret flying but as I got closer he/she landed in a tree and I identified it as a hawk. Absolutely amazing and exciting bird sighting! 4/10/2016
Seen the white hawk on way to work about 2 months on the new engineering building on Busch Campus flew across 18 right before campus drive etc .
Just saw this gorgeous hawk today (my spirit animal). It was pretty epic!
I spotted this bird on the Rutgers Busch campus this morning. It was amazing. I was just Googling to see what bird it could be and found this thread.
We are glad to see him returning so many years. We left New Jersey 7 years ago for California. This year, we saw a Leucistic Hummingbirdat our bird bath.
Seen again on Monday March 24, 2020 ~9:00AM at the Campus Rd. exit off of Rt.18N
I saw this in my backyard today I was so excited.
We saw one flying around our neighborhood in River plaza , Middletown,
See him all the time, sometimes south bound sometimes north bound rt #18
Saw what I suspected was a white morph red tailed hawk today on Route 1 in Pine Island NY. Perched on a wire then flushed by grackles. Extremely large. At first I suspected snowy owl but it had a hawk head with some brown and light brown bars on tail. So cool!
Spotted a white hawk today on Rutgers Busch campus. Circled over Rt 18 a few times then flew towards Livingston campus. Very impressive but by the time I got my phone out, it was too far away to photo.
Saw the white hawk this morning at the entrance to Busch campus and Rt 18. Majestic!
Spotted yesterday at the Busch campus exit ramp
Spotted yesterday and again today off Route 18 between Busch and the EcoPreserve. A conservationist friend from Rutgers just pointed me to your link! I am so thrilled you solved my mystery.
Thanks for letting us know. We are glad to hear that he is returning.
I just saw this hawk yesterday. I couldnt believe it. I had to do a double take because it looked like a gull in a tree. Same place. perched in a tree Route 18 exit to Busch campus. Unfortunately the pics my daughter took on her phone didnt come out too well. I googled white hawk in NJ and here I am. I cant believe there have been so many sightings over such a long period of time.
Wow, I can’t believe its there after so many years. Thanks for reporting
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I saw the bird yesterday, January 13, 2023. It was posed atop a tree as we came around the exit ramp onto the Busch Campus. It flew before I was able to get a photo, but it was an unmistakeable bird and one I hoped to see. I was aware of it because of this post, years ago. Thanks for your initial post.
I saw it today, on Rt. 18 right after the exit for Busch campus!!!
Wow, that’s 15 years of White Hawk
I just saw him today on Rt 18 by RAC exit. Just awesome
I saw him Monday on 18 right by campus road exit. Beautiful
Saw him yesterday as we were driving onto Busch Campus. I googled "white hawk in NJ" and this is the first thing that popped up!
We’re so glad, and a bit surprised, to hear that the hawk keeps returning year after year.
Saw him today at rt 18 turning to Metlars.
Saw him today on Rt 18 near Rutgers Stadium. It’s my 2nd time seeing him. So cool. December 27, 2024 at 3:30pm
Wow, so glad he’s still coming back