Eastern Meadowlark at Brigantine
It's always a good birding day when you can add another bird to your life list. Today at Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (aka Brigantine), Chris spotted a largish bird in a tree being harassed by some smaller birds. It turned out to be an eastern meadowlark. We stayed for a while and it flew and was joined by 3-4 others.
Labels: Brigantine, Eastern Meadowlark, Fall Birds

what fantastic images. For someone like me who has not worked for a while and has been stressed over being unemployed this has been a site to really heal ones mind. More so because money becomes scarse and the images you show normally would cost one to go and view.
What apsolutely wonderful stuff, good work!! We often hear so many negatives things about the Internet, what a shame we cant have more of this on there, and it makes having the internet so much more worth good.
Really nice stuff!!!
Josie, I am with you. I too, like these images, and unfortunately, like you I am also out of work. You are right, when you take time out and view such material, it just takes away pain.
More of this and less filth, is what we need!