Belted Kingfisher Evening

So, what once appeared to be a bird that could not stand us is now a bird that entertained us for an hour or two. There were two kingfishers playing a game of tag or chase and making all kinds of noise. They were oblivious to our presence and to anyone else that walked by the area. What was also entertaining is what we now refer to as the crazy carnivorous pigeon. There was a third bird with them for a while. It was a little larger, a little whiter, and it made dives to the surface of the lake and flew around like the kingfishers. We certainly did not expect it to be a pigeon, but when we got the binoculars, sure enough, it was a crazy carnivorous pigeon. We're not posting that picture; it still just looks like a pigeon.
Labels: Belted Kingfisher, Fall Birds

We are photographers from Maui headed to New Jersey for a couple of weeks in mid to late October. Looking forward to photographing kingfishers and/or Osprey. Can anyone advise us as to best locations? There could be some Macnut candy in it for you! Aloha!