Williamson’s Sapsucker: Veterans Memorial Park, Sylmar, CA
We like when there are clear directions to see a rare bird. We use BirdsEye on the iPad that collects information from ebird. When we were in LA, there was a report of a Williamson's Sapsucker, so with a bit of searching on the internet we found these directions:
The Williamson's Sapsucker was present late this afternoon at Veteran's Memorial Park in Sylmar. It spent a lot of time on the fourth pine tree south/east of lamppost #20.
Now, to be honest, we saw it on the first and fifth pine tree, but it was nice to have such clear directions. It was a really pretty bird to see and shows a bit more detail and color than our yellow-bellied sapsuckers.
The Williamson's Sapsucker was present late this afternoon at Veteran's Memorial Park in Sylmar. It spent a lot of time on the fourth pine tree south/east of lamppost #20.
Now, to be honest, we saw it on the first and fifth pine tree, but it was nice to have such clear directions. It was a really pretty bird to see and shows a bit more detail and color than our yellow-bellied sapsuckers.
Labels: California, Williamson’s Sapsucker

Thank you both so much for this beautiful photo blog. I hope you do not mind if I add it as a link on my preschool classroom website.
The children can use it as an online identification tool as we begin our unit of study on winter birds in NJ.
Hope D. Jennings